Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The main method is not different from the previous example, apart from the addition of a System.out log
message that will print a message when we are done with the setup.
The getObservableList method will first create an instance of ObservableList , and this instance is returned on
method completion. Initially, this instance will be an empty list. In this method, an instance of QuestionRetrievalService
is created and the location of the REST endpoint is passed in the constructor. The QuestionRetrievalService , which
extends javafx.concurrent.Service , is started, and we listen for changes in the State of the Service. When the state of
the Service changes to State.SUCCEEDED , we add the retrieved questions to the ObservableList . Note that on every state
change in the instance of the QuestionRetrievalService , we log a message to System.out .
We now take a closer look at the QuestionRetrievalService to understand how it starts a new Thread , and how
it makes sure that the retrieved questions are added to the ListView control using the JavaFX Thread . The code of the
QuestionRetrievalService is shown in Listing 11-14.
Listing 11-14. QuestionRetrievalService
package projavafx;
import javafx.collections.FXCollections;
import javafx.collections.ObservableList;
import javafx.concurrent.Service;
import javafx.concurrent.Task;
import javax.json.Json;
import javax.json.JsonArray;
import javax.json.JsonNumber;
import javax.json.JsonObject;
import javax.json.JsonReader;
import javax.json.JsonString;
import javax.json.JsonValue;
public class QuestionRetrievalService extends Service<ObservableList<Question>> {
private String loc;
public QuestionRetrievalService(String loc) {
this.loc = loc;
protected Task<ObservableList<Question>>createTask() {
return new Task<ObservableList<Question>>() {
protected ObservableList<Question> call() throws Exception {
URL host = new URL(loc);
JsonReader jr = Json.createReader(new GZIPInputStream(host.openConnection().
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