Java Reference
In-Depth Information
PointLight is a light source that emanates from one point and radiates equally in all
PhongMaterial controls the color and texture of the surface of the 3D shapes we create.
The diffuseColor is what we usually consider as the color of the 3D shape object. The
specularColor is the highlight.
PhongMaterial .
You can map an image onto a 3D shape very easily with the help of
SubScene can be used to segregate different parts of a scene into separately rendered parts,
each with their own camera, depthBuffer, and anti-aliasing settings.
PickResult object can
be obtained from certain event objects. It contains information about the node, the face, and
the point of intersection with the pick ray.
You can interact with the 3D scene using the normal JavaFX events. A
You can use the
Canvas API to perform 2D operations on an on-screen surface.
You can use the Image Ops API to read pixels from
Images and write pixels to WritableImages .
Here are some useful resources for understanding the JavaFX 3D graphics APIs:
Getting Started with JavaFX 3D Graphics, a tutorial on Oracle's web site:
A video of Jim Weaver's Java 8 Intro presentation with JavaFX 3D demos:
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