Java Reference
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Understanding SubScenes
In the LightExample in the last section, we used a JavaFX 3D graphics API that we have not covered yet, the SubScene
class. It belongs to the javafx.scene package. A SubScene is a container Node that can add contents to a bigger scene,
yet it can have its own camera, depth buffer, and anti-aliasing policy and can render its own content separately from
the rest of the scene.
The SubScene class has the following constructors:
SubScene(Parent parent, double width, double height)
SubScene(Parent parent, double width, double height, boolean depthBuffer,
SceneAntialiasing antiAliasing)
The three-parameter constructor creates a SubScene with the specified parent , width , and height , but without its
own depth buffer and with SceneAntiAliasing.DISABLED anti-aliasing level. The five-parameter constructor further
allows you to specify the depth buffer and the anti-aliasing level. It has the following public methods:
SceneAntialiasing getAntiAliasing()
boolean isDepthBuffer()
void setRoot(Parent)
Parent getRoot()
ObjectProperty<Parent> rootProperty()
void setCamera(Camera)
Camera getCamera()
ObjectProperty<Camera> cameraProperty()
void setWidth(double)
double getWidth()
DoubleProperty widthProperty()
void setHeight(double)
double getHeight()
DoubleProperty heightProperty()
void setFill(paint.Paint)
paint.Paint getFill()
ObjectProperty< Paint> fillProperty()
The getAntiAliasing() and the isDepthBuffer() methods return the anti-aliasing level and the depth buffer
parameters passed into the constructor. The other methods define five read-write properties for the SubScene class.
These are the root , camera , width , height , and fill properties. They behave the same way as the like-named
properties of the Scene class.
The major use of SubScene is to separate 2D and 3D contents in a JavaFX program where both are needed. That is
how we used it in the LightExample. We placed the 3D portion of our program into a SubScene to separate it from the
rest of the program, which consists of JavaFX controls.
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