Java Reference
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a property that is bound cannot be explicitly set. in the code preceding the snippet, the resizable property is set
with the setResizable() method before the property is bound in the next line.
Making a Stage Full Screen
Making the Stage show in full-screen mode is done by setting the fullScreen property of the Stage instance to true.
As shown in the following snippet from Listing 2-1, to keep the fullScreen property of the Stage and the state of the
fullScreen check box synchronized, the fullScreen property of the Stage instance is updated whenever the selected
property of the checkBox changes.
checkBoxFullScreen.selectedProperty().addListener((ov, oldValue, newValue) -> {
Working with the Bounds of the Stage
The bounds of the Stage are represented by its x , y , width , and height properties, the values of which can be changed
at will. This is demonstrated in the following snippet from Listing 2-1 where the Stage is placed near the top and
centered horizontally on the primary screen after the Stage has been initialized.
Rectangle2D primScreenBounds = Screen.getPrimary().getVisualBounds();
stage.setX((primScreenBounds.getWidth() - stage.getWidth()) / 2);
stage.setY((primScreenBounds.getHeight() - stage.getHeight()) / 4);
We're using the Screen class of the javafx.stage package to get the dimensions of the primary screen so that the
desired position may be calculated.
We intentionally made the Stage in figure 2-2 larger than the Scene contained within to make the following
point. the width and height of a Stage include its decorations (title bar and border), which vary on different platforms.
it is therefore usually better to control the width and height of the Scene (we show you how in a bit) and let the Stage
conform to that size.
Drawing Rounded Rectangles
As pointed out in Chapter 1, you can put rounded corners on a Rectangle by specifying the arcWidth and arcHeight
for the corners. The following snippet from Listing 2-1 draws the sky-blue rounded rectangle that becomes the
background for the transparent window example in Figure 2-5 .
Rectangle blue = new Rectangle(250, 350, Color.SKYBLUE);
In this snippet, we use the three-argument constructor of Rectangle , in which the first two parameters specify
the width and the height of the Rectangle . The third parameter defines the fill color of the Rectangle .
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