Java Reference
In-Depth Information
In this chapter, you learned about a very important aspect of the JavaFX platform: the media classes. We showed you
how to accomplish the following.
AudioClip class to play low-latency sound effects.
Use the
Media object.
Load the various media types supported by JavaFX into a
MediaPlayer class to play audio files from .jar files, from disk, and by loading them
over the Internet.
Use the
Build a simple media player that contains a graphical user interface that can be used to control
playback of the audio files.
MediaPlayer 's equalizer and audio frequency spectrum capabilities.
Take advantage of the
MediaView class.
Play video files using the
Use media markers to trigger events during media playback.
Split your video playback into multiple viewports.
For more information on the JavaFX Media API, consult the following resource:
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