Java Reference
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final StackPane root = new StackPane();
root.getChildren().addAll(mv, markerText);
root.setOnMouseClicked((event) -> {;
final Scene scene = new Scene(root, 960, 540);
final URL stylesheet = getClass().getResource("media.css");
primaryStage.setTitle("Video Player 1");;;
A Label is used to display the text of each marker centered at the top of the screen by setting its alignment to be
Pos.TOP_CENTER . Then, after creating the Media object, four markers are inserted into the ObservableMap starting
with the message “Robot Finds Wall” at 3.1 seconds and ending with “And Heads for Home” at 11.5 seconds. Once
the MediaPlayer is instantiated, a new MediaMarkerEvent handler is created and passed to the setOnMarker method.
This event will occur on the JavaFX media thread, so we must use Platform.runLater to set the text of the markerText
label on the JavaFX application thread. One other change we've made to this version of the video player is to add an
onMouseClicked handler, which seeks back to the beginning of the media and clears the markerText label. This lets
you simply click on the window to restart playback. The running application displaying the “And Heads for Home”
marker text is shown in Figure 9-10 . The styling of the messageLabel text is included in the media.css style sheet that
is loaded by the Scene after it is created.
Figure 9-10. Displaying markers during movie playback
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