Java Reference
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smaller, there is not a large difference in quality between the smooth and nonsmooth options. Although the difference
in quality while upscaling is noticeable, it still may be acceptable for some applications. Therefore, if you need to
generate and show thumbnails of movies, this can be a worthwhile option to consider. By default, smooth is usually set
to true but this can depend on the platform on which you are running.
Listing 9-32 shows a full-screen movie player that uses the fitWidth , fitHeight , and preserveRatio to scale a
movie to play using the entire screen. This is accomplished by using the Stage 's fullScreen property to ensure that
only the movie can be seen on the screen. Pressing the Escape key will restore the application to its normal window.
Listing 9-32. A Full-Screen Movie Player
public class FullScreenVideoPlayer extends Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
String workingDir = System.getProperty("user.dir");
final File f = new File(workingDir, "../media/omgrobots.flv");
final Media m = new Media(f.toURI().toString());
final MediaPlayer mp = new MediaPlayer(m);
final MediaView mv = new MediaView(mp);
final DoubleProperty width = mv.fitWidthProperty();
final DoubleProperty height = mv.fitHeightProperty();
width.bind(Bindings.selectDouble(mv.sceneProperty(), "width"));
height.bind(Bindings.selectDouble(mv.sceneProperty(), "height"));
StackPane root = new StackPane();
final Scene scene = new Scene(root, 960, 540);
primaryStage.setTitle("Full Screen Video Player");
The highlighted code in Listing 9-32 shows that MediaView 's fitWidth and fitHeight properties are bound to the
width and height properties of the MediaView 's Scene object. Bindings.selectDouble is used to make sure fitWidth
and fitHeight are updated when the MediaView is added to the active scene graph. For the movie to scale properly,
the preserveRatio property must be set to true.
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