Java Reference
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The final piece of the playback puzzle is to stop the playback once the media end. MediaPlayer does not stop
playback automatically when the end of the media is reached (technically, when the stopTime is reached; more on
that in the “Seeking” section). You can stop playback explicitly by setting the MediaPlayer 's onEndOfMedia callback
property to a Runnable that invokes the stop method on the MediaPlayer .
songModel.getMediaPlayer().setOnEndOfMedia(() -> {
Calling MediaPlayer 's stop method will set the status to STOPPED and reset the playback position to the start of
the media by setting currentTime to 0.
it might seem a little odd that all of the MediaPlayer callback properties such as onEndOfMediaProperty ,
onError , and onReadyProperty are Runnable s rather than EventHandler s as is done in the rest of the JavaFX api.
the JavaFX team at Oracle has indicated that this was merely an oversight.
As a final note on playback, MediaPlayer also contains a property named autoPlay . This Boolean property
will cause playback to start as soon as possible if it is set to true. Occasionally it is a little too aggressive and we have
found that playback will sometimes pause or even restart after a second or two when using this feature with audio
files. Therefore we recommend that the play method be used in normal circumstances and that autoPlay only
be used in situations where potential glitches in playback are not a serious concern and you just want to “fire and
forget” the playback.
The read-only property named currentTime always contains the MediaPlayer 's current playback position. This property
is of type Duration and can be set only by using the seek method. You can use the seek method to move the playback
position to any time between the current startTime and stopTime. MediaPlayer 's startTime and stopTime properties
are initialized to 0 and totalDuration, respectively, where the totalDuration property, also read-only, specifies the
total length of the media. The seek method has no effect if the MediaPlayer is currently in the STOPPED state.
Three controls in the audio player application make use of the seek functionality of the MediaPlayer . Perhaps
the most obvious are the “seek to beginning” and “seek to end” buttons that are located on each side of the
playPauseButton . These buttons show icons that consist of double triangles pointing to the left (seek to beginning)
and right (seek to end). Listing 9-18 shows the createControlPanel method from the PlayerControlsView class in
which these buttons are created.
Listing 9-18. Creating the Panel Containing the Play/Pause Button and the Seek Buttons
private Node createControlPanel() {
final HBox hbox = new HBox();
final Button playPauseButton = createPlayPauseButton();
final Button seekStartButton = new Button();
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