Java Reference
In-Depth Information
final Hyperlink link = new Hyperlink("About Code Monkey...");
link.setOnAction((ActionEvent event) -> {
WebView wv = new WebView();
wv.getEngine().load(" " +
Scene scene = new Scene(wv, 720, 480);
Stage stage = new Stage();
stage.setTitle("Code Monkey");
vbox.getChildren().addAll(clipLabel, getUpButton, goToJobButton,
meetingButton, link);
GridPane.setHalignment(vbox, HPos.CENTER);
GridPane.setHgrow(vbox, Priority.ALWAYS);
GridPane.setVgrow(vbox, Priority.ALWAYS);
grid.add(vbox, 0, 0, GridPane.REMAINING, 1);
private EventHandler<ActionEvent> createPlayHandler(final AudioClip clip) {
return (ActionEvent event) -> {, balanceSlider.getValue(),
rateSlider.getValue(), 0, 0);
As each Button is created, a new EventHandler is also created that plays the appropriate AudioClip for that
Button . The play method in the EventHandler uses the current values of the volume, rate, and balance sliders as its
arguments. The last two arguments of the play method are set to zero, but these can be used to specify the pan and
priority of the AudioClip when it is played. We discuss these two properties in the next section.
AudioClip Wrap-Up
There are two properties of an AudioClip that we have not shown in the preceding examples: pan and priority . The
pan property allows you to move the center of your clip. Setting it to -1.0 moves the clip completely to the left channel,
and setting it to 1.0 moves it completely to the right. The default setting of 0.0 leaves the clip as it was originally. Unlike
the balance property, which merely adjusts the relative volumes of the left and right channels, the pan property
actually remixes the two channels. This allows you to introduce some or all of the left channel into the right channel
and vice versa. It really only makes sense to use the pan property on actual stereo sound effects with right and left
channels that differ. Setting the pan on a mono sound has the exact same outcome as adjusting the balance, and
balance is much less computationally expensive. You can set or retrieve a clip's current pan setting using the setPan
and getPan methods and the property is exposed by the panProperty method.
You can optionally assign a priority to your AudioClip s. This is an IntegerProperty that specifies the relative
priority of your sound effects. The higher the number, the more importance you are assigning to that AudioClip . If you
exceed the limit of AudioClip playbacks that the system can handle, the priorities are used to determine which clips
are stopped. The number of clips that can be played is not specified precisely, nor can it be queried in the current
version of JavaFX. Therefore, if you play a lot of AudioClip s at once, as might be the case for a game, you should
consider assigning priorities to your sound effects.
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