Java Reference
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c.getData().add(new XYChart.Data(Integer.toString(i), cValue));
cValue = cValue + 4 * Math.random() - 2;
cpp.getData().add(new XYChart.Data(Integer.toString(i), cppValue));
cppValue = cppValue + 4 * Math.random() - 2;
answer.addAll(java, c, cpp);
return answer;
Running the modified application results in output similar to Figure 8-9 .
Figure 8-9. Using a ScatterChart with a CategoryAxis on the xAxis
Using the LineChart
The example in the previous section resulted in data entries being represented by single dots or symbols. Often, it is
desirable to have the dots connected by a line because this helps in seeing trends. The JavaFX LineChart is well
suited for this.
The API for the LineChart has many methods in common with the API for the ScatterChart . In fact, we can
reuse most of the code in Listing 8-6, and just replace the ScatterChart occurrences with LineChart and the import
for javafx.scene.chart.ScatterChart with javafx.scene.chart.LineChart . The data stay exactly the same, so we
only show the new start() method in Listing 8-7.
Listing 8-7. Using a LineChart Instead of a ScatterChart
public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
CategoryAxis xAxis = new CategoryAxis();
NumberAxis yAxis = new NumberAxis();
LineChart lineChart = new LineChart(xAxis, yAxis);
primaryStage.setTitle("LineChart example");
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