Java Reference
In-Depth Information
javafx.scene.web package contains classes for easily embedding a web browser in your
JavaFX applications.
javafx.animation package contains time-based interpolations typically used for
animation and convenience classes for common transitions.
javafx.beans , javafx.beans.binding , , and javafx.beans.
value packages contain classes that implement properties and binding.
javafx.fxml package contains classes that implement a very powerful facility known as
FXML, a markup language for expressing JavaFX UIs in XML.
javafx.util package contains utility classes such as the Duration class used in the
HelloEarthRise example earlier in this chapter.
javafx.print package contains utilities for printing (parts of ) the layout of a JavaFX
javafx.embed.swing package contains the required functionality for embedded JavaFX
applications in a Swing application.
javafx.embed.swt package contains the required functionality for embedding JavaFX
applications in an SWT application.
Take a look at the JavaFX API docs again in light of this information to get a deeper sense of how you can use its
Congratulations! You learned a lot about JavaFX in this chapter, including:
JavaFX is rich-client Java, and is needed by the software development industry.
Some of the high points of the history of JavaFX.
Where to find JavaFX resources, including the Java SDK, NetBeans, SceneBuilder, ScenicView,
and the API documentation.
How to compile and run a JavaFX program from the command line.
How to build and run a JavaFX program using NetBeans.
How to use several of the classes in the JavaFX API.
How to create a class in JavaFX and use it as a model that contains the state of a JavaFX
How to use property binding to keep the UI easily in sync with the model.
We also looked at many of the available API packages and classes, and you learned how you can leverage their
capabilities. Now that you have a jump start in JavaFX, you can begin examining the details of JavaFX in Chapter 2.
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