Java Reference
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System.out.println("Calling fill(strings, \"Ten\"): ");
FXCollections.fill(strings, "Ten");
// We omitted the nested class MyListener, which is the same as in Listing 7-2
When we run the program in Listing 7-6, the following output is printed to the console:
Calling addAll("Zero", "One", "Two", "Three"):
list = [Zero, One, Two, Three]
Change event data:
cursor = 0
Kind of change: added
Affected range: [0, 4]
Added size: 4
Added sublist: [Zero, One, Two, Three]
Calling copy:
list = [Four, Five, Two, Three]
Change event data:
cursor = 0
Kind of change: replaced
Affected range: [0, 4]
Added size: 4
Added sublist: [Four, Five, Two, Three]
Removed size: 4
Removed: [Zero, One, Two, Three]
Calling replaceAll:
list = [Four, Five, Two_1, Three]
Change event data:
cursor = 0
Kind of change: replaced
Affected range: [0, 4]
Added size: 4
Added sublist: [Four, Five, Two_1, Three]
Removed size: 4
Removed: [Four, Five, Two, Three]
Calling reverse:
list = [Three, Two_1, Five, Four]
Change event data:
cursor = 0
Kind of change: replaced
Affected range: [0, 4]
Added size: 4
Added sublist: [Three, Two_1, Five, Four]
Removed size: 4
Removed: [Four, Five, Two_1, Three]
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