Java Reference
In-Depth Information
* The maximum audio volume in decibels
public double maxDecibels = 160.0;
* The selected audio volume in decibels
public IntegerProperty selectedDBs = new SimpleIntegerProperty(0);
* Indicates whether audio is muted
public BooleanProperty muting = new SimpleBooleanProperty(false);
* List of some musical genres
public ObservableList genres = FXCollections.observableArrayList(
* A reference to the selection model used by the Slider
public SingleSelectionModel genreSelectionModel;
* Adds a change listener to the selection model of the ChoiceBox, and contains
* code that executes when the selection in the ChoiceBox changes.
public void addListenerToGenreSelectionModel() {
genreSelectionModel.selectedIndexProperty().addListener((Observable o) -> {
int selectedIndex = genreSelectionModel.selectedIndexProperty().getValue();
switch(selectedIndex) {
case 0: selectedDBs.setValue(80);
case 1: selectedDBs.setValue(100);
case 2: selectedDBs.setValue(150);
case 3: selectedDBs.setValue(140);
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