Java Reference
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TreeItem<Person> childItem = new TreeItem(child);
for (int k = 0; k < random.nextInt(4); k++) {
Person grandChild = new Person("Grandchild " + i + "-" + j + "-" + k,
"LastName" + i, "Phone" + k);
TreeItem<Person> grandChildItem = new TreeItem(grandChild);
return root;
In this code, we create a number of persons, starting with five “parents.” We then add a random number of
children (between zero and three) to each parent, and each of the children can have a random number of children
itself—so-called grandchildren. All parents are added to a root node on the TreeItem . Rendering this hierarchical data
using a TreeTableView is demonstrated in Listing 6-11.
Listing 6-11. Rendering Hierarchical Data Using a TreeTableView Instance in
Node createTreeTableDemoNode() {
TreeTableView<Person> treeTableView = new TreeTableView(model.getFamilyTree());
TreeTableColumn<Person, String> firstNameColumn = new TreeTableColumn("First Name");
firstNameColumn.setCellValueFactory(new TreeItemPropertyValueFactory("firstName"));
TreeTableColumn lastNameColumn = new TreeTableColumn("Last Name");
lastNameColumn.setCellValueFactory(new TreeItemPropertyValueFactory("lastName"));
TreeTableColumn phoneColumn = new TreeTableColumn("Phone Number");
phoneColumn.setCellValueFactory(new TreeItemPropertyValueFactory("phone"));
treeTableView.getColumns().addAll(firstNameColumn, lastNameColumn, phoneColumn);
extends TreeItem<Person>>observable, TreeItem<Person> oldValue, TreeItem<Person> newValue) -> {
Person selectedPerson = newValue.getValue();
System.out.println(selectedPerson + " chosen in TreeTableView");
return treeTableView;
As you can see from this code, the TreeTableView looks rather similar to the TableView . There are some obvious
differences, though. Rather than using TableColumn instances to describe the columns, a TreeTableView requires
one to use TreeTableColumn instances. Also, if we want to set the CellValueFactory for a specific column, we can
use the convenience class TreeItemPropertyValueFactory , which will make sure the value of the property with the
supplied name is rendered in the particular call for a specific column. We now move on to the next tab, ScrollPane/
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