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Notice that there is nothing special that we needed to do to align the Text in the window. The default alignment
for nodes in a StackPane is to center them, which is exactly what we wanted to happen. Later we show how you can
override this behavior on a per-layout or per-node basis.
Because a StackPane extends Parent , there is no need to wrap it in a Group when adding it to the Scene . Also,
when adding a resizable container such as a StackPane to a Scene , it will automatically get resized when the window
size changes. Some bindings were still required to keep the Ellipse properly sized. It is common to use bind together
with layouts in this fashion.
The completed example is shown running in Figure 5-5 .
Figure 5-5. Inverted JavaFX Reversi logo using a StackPane
Aligning to Edges Using StackPanes and TilePanes
Using edge alignment, you can improve the title program to fit in with the Reversi theme. To emphasize the black-
and-white contrast of the Reversi pieces, let's create a design where the words are alternating colors on an alternating
To accomplish this visual effect, you need to do the following.
Create a Scene that has a white background (the default).
Add a TilePane to the Scene to split it into a left and right half.
On the right side, add a Text node with “Reversi” aligned to the left.
On the left side, add a StackPane with a black background.
Add a Text node to the StackPane with “JavaFX” in white text aligned to the right.
One way of looking at this problem is that you are creating two equal-size tiles that will contain text aligned
toward the center of the window. The right side is simply a Text node that is aligned to the left edge, and the left side
can be accomplished using a StackPane with right-aligned Text . Rather than using a Rectangle object, which would
require binding to set its dimensions, we make use of the background-color style that is a feature of the Region class
that all layouts extend.
To create equal-size tiles, we use the built-in TilePane layout. This layout divides its content into equal-sized
areas to fit all of its nodes. The available layout methods on TilePane are shown in Table 5-3 .
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