Java Reference
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System.out.println("nameProperty.get() = " + nameProperty.get());
System.out.println("Setting value on the JavaFX property");
nameProperty.set("Johan Vos");
System.out.println("person.getName() = " + person.getName());
private static void adaptBoundProperty() throws NoSuchMethodException {
Person person = new Person();
JavaBeanStringProperty addressProperty = JavaBeanStringPropertyBuilder.create()
addressProperty.addListener((observable, oldValue, newValue) -> {
System.out.println("JavaFX property " + observable + " changed:");
System.out.println("\toldValue = " + oldValue + ", newValue = " + newValue);
System.out.println("Setting address on the JavaBeans property");
person.setAddress("12345 main Street");
private static void adaptConstrainedProperty() throws NoSuchMethodException {
Person person = new Person();
JavaBeanStringProperty phoneNumberProperty = JavaBeanStringPropertyBuilder.create()
phoneNumberProperty.addListener((observable, oldValue, newValue) -> {
System.out.println("JavaFX property " + observable + " changed:");
System.out.println("\toldValue = " + oldValue + ", newValue = " + newValue);
System.out.println("Setting phoneNumber on the JavaBeans property");
try {
} catch (PropertyVetoException e) {
System.out.println("A JavaBeans property change is vetoed.");
System.out.println("Bind phoneNumberProperty to another property");
SimpleStringProperty stringProperty = new SimpleStringProperty("866-555-1212");
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