Travel Reference
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Església de Sant Pau del Camp
C/de Sant Pau 101 • Daily 10am-1pm & 4-7pm • Admission to cloister €3 • 934 410 001 • Paral.lel
CarrerdeSantPaucutswestthroughElRavaltothechurchof SantPaudelCamp ,itsname
- St Paul of the Field - a graphic reminder that it once stood in open fields beyond the city
walls. One of the most interesting churches in Barcelona, Sant Pau was a Benedictine found-
ation of the tenth century, built after its predecessor was destroyed in a Muslim raid of 985
AD and constructed on a Greek cross plan. It was renovated again at the end of the thirteenth
century; the curious, primitive carvings of fish, birds and faces above the main entrance are
from that period, while other animal forms adorn the twin capitals of the charming twelfth-
century cloister. Inside, the church is dark and rather plain, enlivened only by tiny arrow-slit
windows and small stained-glass circles high up in the central dome.
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