Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
Each year has its own set of month nodes; each month has its own set of day nodes. We
need only insert nodes into the timeline tree as and when they are needed. Assuming
the root timeline node has been indexed, or is in some other way discoverable, the
following Cypher statement will insert all necessary nodes for a particular event—year,
month, day, plus the node representing the event to be attached to the timeline:
START timeline= node :timeline(name= {timelineName} )
CREATE UNIQUE (timeline)-[:YEAR]->(year{value: {year} , name: {yearName} })
-[:MONTH]->(month{value: {month} , name: {monthName} })
-[:DAY]->(day{value: {day} , name: {dayName} })
<-[:BROADCAST_ON]-(n {newNode} )
Querying the calendar for all events between a start date (inclusive) and an end date
(exclusive) can be done with the following Cypher:
START timeline= node :timeline(name= {timelineName} )
MATCH (timeline)-[:YEAR]->(year)-[:MONTH]->(month)-[:DAY]->
WHERE ((year.value > {startYear} AND year.value < {endYear} )
OR ( {startYear} = {endYear} AND {startMonth} = {endMonth}
AND year.value = {startYear} AND month.value = {startMonth}
AND day.value >= {startDay} AND day.value < {endDay} )
OR ( {startYear} = {endYear} AND {startMonth} < {endMonth}
AND year.value = {startYear}
AND ((month.value = {startMonth} AND day.value >= {startDay} )
OR (month.value > {startMonth} AND month.value < {endMonth} )
OR (month.value = {endMonth} AND day.value < {endDay} )))
OR ( {startYear} < {endYear}
AND year.value = {startYear}
AND ((month.value > {startMonth} )
OR (month.value = {startMonth} AND day.value >= {startDay} )))
OR ( {startYear} < {endYear}
AND year.value = {endYear}
AND ((month.value < {endMonth} )
OR (month.value = {endMonth} AND day.value < {endDay} ))))
The WHERE clause here, though somewhat verbose, simply filters each match based on
the start and end dates supplied to the query.
Linked lists
Many events have temporal relationships to the events that precede and follow them.
We can use NEXT and PREVIOUS relationships (or similar) to create linked lists that cap‐
ture this natural ordering, as shown in Figure 4-7 . Linked lists allow for very rapid
traversal of time-ordered events.
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