Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
The WHERE clause in the query before the UNION operator once again eliminates matches
where the company in question is connected to one of the administrator's groups by way
of a DENIED relationship.
Because the UNION operator eliminates duplicate results, the overall result set for this
query can contain either one or two values. The client-side logic for determining
whether an administrator has access to a resource looks like this in Java:
private boolean isAuthorized ( ExecutionResult result )
Iterator < Long > accessCountIterator = result . columnAs ( "accessCount" );
while ( accessCountIterator . hasNext () )
if ( accessCountIterator . next () > 0L )
return true ;
return false ;
Finding administrators for an account
The previous two queries represent “top-down” views of the graph. The last TeleGraph
query we'll discuss here provides a “bottom-up” view of the data. Given a resource—an
employee or account—who can manage it? Here's the query:
START resource= node :resource(name= {resourceName} )
MATCH p=(resource)-[:WORKS_FOR|HAS_ACCOUNT*1..2]-(company)
WHERE NOT ((admin)-[:MEMBER_OF]->()-[:DENIED]->()<-[:CHILD_OF*0..3]-(company))
START resource= node :resource(name= {resourceName} )
MATCH p=(resource)-[:WORKS_FOR|HAS_ACCOUNT*1..2]-(company)
As before, the query consists of two independent queries joined by a UNION operator.
Of particular note are the following clauses:
• The START clauses use a resource index, a named index for both employees and
• The MATCH clauses contain a variable-length path expression that uses the | operator
to specify a path that is one or two relationships deep, and whose relationship types
comprise WORKS_FOR and HAS_ACCOUNT . This expression accommodates the fact that
the subject of the query may be either an employee or an account.
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