Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
endstream endstream keyword
endobj end of object
Here, the dictionary just contains the /Length entry, which gives the length of the stream
in bytes.
All streams must be indirect objects. Streams are almost always compressed, using a
variety of mechanisms, which are listed in Table 3-3 .
Table 3-3. PDF stream compression methods
Method name
Produces one byte of uncompressed data for each pair of hexadecimal digits
in the compressed data. > indicates end of data. Whitespace is ignored.
This filter and /ASCII85Decode are intended to reduce data to 7
bits— /ASCII85Decode is more complicated, but more compact.
This 7-bit encoding uses the printable characters ! through u and z . The
sequence ~> indicates end of data.
Implements Lempel-Ziv-Welch compression, as used by the TIFF image
Flate compression, as used by the open source zlib library. Defined in RFC
1950. Both /LZWDecode and /FlateDecode can have predictors in the
stream dictionary, which define postprocessing on the data to reverse pre-
processing which was done when it was compressed.
A simple byte-based run-length compressor.
Implements Group 3 and Group 4 encoding, as used by fax machines. Works
well on monochrome (1bpp) images, not for general data.
A more modern, better compression mechanism for the kinds of data suitable
for use with /CCITTFaxDecode , but also suitable for grayscale and color
images and general data. Implements the JBIG2 compression method.
JPEG lossy compression. Whole JPEG files can be put in here, complete with
all the headers.
JPEG2000 lossy and lossless compression. Limited to the JPX baseline set of
features, with a few exceptions.
Here's an example of a compressed stream:
796 0 obj
<</Length 275 /Filter /FlateDecode>>
HTKO0֟ And 268 more bytes...
Multiple filters can be used, by specifying an array instead of a name for the /Filter
entry in the stream's dictionary. For example, an image compressed with the JPEG
method then ASCII85 encoded, might have the following filter entry:
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