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reported to interact physically with Broad ( Faucheux et al., 2003 ). Interest-
ingly, genome-wide protein-protein interaction data suggest that Batman
can interact with Ttk ( Murali et al., 2011; Pacifico et al., 2006; Yu &
Finley, 2009; Yu, Pacifico, Liu, & Finley, 2008 ). Taken together, these in-
teresting anecdotal data raise the possibility that Ttk could form multimers
not just with itself but also with other proteins such as Broad and Batman
( Bonchuk, Denisov, Georgiev, & Maksimenko, 2011 ).
11.8. CRC/ATF4 (cryptocephal)
The cryptocephal gene encodes the Drosophila homolog of vertebrate ATF4,
which belongs to the CREB/ATF family of basic leucine zipper (bZIP) pro-
teins ( Hewes et al., 2000; Persengiev & Green, 2003 ). Mutations in crc result
in a range of developmental abnormalities, including molting defects, the
failure of the gas bubble to translocate during pupal development, the ab-
sence of head eversion, and defects in imaginal disks elongation. Together,
these data show that crc is crucial for controlling molting and metamorphosis
in Drosophila ( Hewes et al., 2000 ). Further, crc is required for the expression
of the ecdysis triggering hormone ( Gauthier & Hewes, 2006 ). crc is strongly
expressed in the larval ring gland, the CNS, and the imaginal disks in third
instar larvae at the wandering stage, raising the possibility that crc might exert
its control over metamorphic processes through controlling ecdysone bio-
synthesis as well as acting downstream of the hormone in target tissues.
Ampleford, E. J., & Steel, C. G. (1985). Circadian control of a daily rhythm in hemolymph
ecdysteroid titer in the insect Rhodnius prolixus (Hemiptera). General and Comparative
Endocrinology , 59 , 453-459.
Ashburner, M. (1974). Sequential gene activation by ecdysone in polytene chromosomes of
Drosophila melanogaster. II. The effects of inhibitors of protein synthesis. Developmental
Biology , 39 , 141-157.
Ashburner, M., Chihara, C., Meltzer, P., &Richards, G. (1974). Temporal control of puffing
activity in polytene chromosomes. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology ,
38 , 655-662.
Bae, K., Lee, C., Sidote, D., Chuang, K. Y., & Edery, I. (1998). Circadian regulation of a
Drosophila homolog of the mammalian Clock gene: PER and TIM function as positive
regulators. Molecular and Cellular Biology , 18 , 6142-6151.
Baker, K. D., Shewchuk, L. M., Kozlova, T., Makishima, M., Hassell, A., Wisely, B., et al.
(2003). The Drosophila orphan nuclear receptor DHR38 mediates an atypical
ecdysteroid signaling pathway. Cell , 113 , 731-742.
Bender, M., Imam, F. B., Talbot, W. S., Ganetzky, B., & Hogness, D. S. (1997). Drosophila
ecdysone receptor mutations reveal functional differences among receptor isoforms. Cell ,
91 , 777-788.
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