Biology Reference
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In this last section, we will briefly review other transcription factors
that have been directly or indirectly linked to the ecdysone synthesis path-
way ( Table 2.1 ). Below, we will highlight seven of them and discuss their
putative functions in the Drosophila prothoracic gland.
11.1. WOC (without children)
The Drosophila woc gene encodes a transcription factor that harbors eight
C 2 C 2 zinc finger repeats. The woc gene is expressed in many tissues, includ-
ing the ring gland, imaginal disks, the brain-ganglion complex, and others.
Homozygous woc mutants have overgrown ring glands and fail to pupariate;
however, feeding 20E allows mutants to undergo metamorphosis ( Klose,
Gateff, Emmerich, & Beikirch, 1980; Wismar et al., 2000 ), suggesting
WOC plays a role in regulating ecdysone synthesis. This was supported
by the finding that ring glands of woc mutants are not able to convert radi-
olabelled cholesterol into 7-dehydrocholesterol. Further, feeding mutants
with 7-dehydrocholesterol, but not cholesterol, leads to a significant increase
in the ecdysone titers ( Warren, Wismar, Subrahmanyam, & Gilbert, 2001 ).
Together, these studies indicate that WOC regulates the first step of ecdy-
sone biosynthesis in Drosophila , likely through regulating the activity of
7,8-cholesterol dehydrogenase (now known to be Neverland); however,
the mechanism by which WOC achieves this remains unaddressed.
11.2. MLD (molting defective)
The Drosophila mld gene encodes a nuclear protein that is predicted to have
seven C 2 H 2 zinc fingers in two clusters in the C-terminal region. Immu-
nodetection showed that MLD protein is present in larval tissues including
the ring gland, salivary gland, fat body, and imaginal disks. Mutations of mld
result in an arrest of development in the first larval instar. This defect can be
rescued by administration of excess E or 20E, suggesting that mld participates
in modulating ecdysone synthesis ( Neubueser et al., 2005 ). Semiquantitative
PCR showed that homozygous mld mutant first instar larvae have decreased
transcript levels of the ecdysone biosynthetic gene spookier , while other
known enzymatic genes remain unaffected or upregulated, suggesting that
spookier is a target of mld in the steroidogenic pathway ( Ono et al., 2006 ).
However, restoration of spookier expression in the mld mutant ring gland
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