Biomedical Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Readers should not confuse
rhinoscleroma, caused by Klebsiella rhinoscleromatis (Class Gamma
Proteobacteria, Chapter 7), with rhinosporidiosis, caused by Rhinosporidium
seeberi (Choanozoa, Chapter 23).
Chapter 7, Gamma Proteobacteria
Chapter 7, Gamma Proteobacteria
Salmonella typhi and Salmonella
paratyphi cause typhoid and paratyphoid, respectively. Neither of these dis-
eases should be confused with typhus, caused by Rickettsia typhi and
Rickettsia prowazekii. Both diseases (typhoid and typhus) take their root
from a Greek word meaning stupor, referring to the neurologic manifesta-
tions of the diseases.
Chapter 7, Gamma Proteobacteria
Species of Genus Shigella are found
only in causes of shigellosis. Shigellosis is also called bacillary dysentery.
Despite its name, readers should not assume that the cause of bacillary dysentery
is a member of Class Bacilli (Chapter 12). The exclusive cause of bacillary dys-
entery is Shigella species, belonging to the Gamma Proteobacteria (Chapter 7).
Chapter 7, Gamma Proteobacteria
Shigella boydii, one of the causes
of shigellosis, should not be confused with Pseudallescheria boydii, a fungus
in Class Ascomycota (Chapter 46), one of many fungal organisms associated
with the skin infection maduromycosis.
Chapter 7, Gamma Proteobacteria
Readers should not confuse
Plesiomonas shigelloides, containing the species name “shigelloides,” with
the genus name “Shigella”.
Chapter 7, Gamma Proteobacteria Haemophilus influenzae causes pneu-
monitis, meningitis, conjunctivitis, otitis media, and bacteremia, in infants and
young children. Its species name, infuenzae, was assigned when the bacteria
was mistakenly thought to be the cause of influenza. Influenza, also known as
the flu, is caused exclusively by the influenza virus, a Group V orthomyxovirus
(Chapter 43).
Chapter 7, Gamma Proteobacteria
Haemophilus parainfluenzae causes
some cases of endocarditis. Despite its name, Haemophilus parainfluenzae is
not the cause of the disease known as parainfluenza. Parainfluenza is a type
of croup (laryngotracheobronchitis), and about 75% of the cases of croup are
caused by the parainfluenza virus, a Group V virus (Chapter 43).
Chapter 7, Gamma Proteobacteria
Haemophilus ducreyi is the cause
of chancroid, a sexually transmitted disease. It must not be confused with
Klebsiella granulomatus, in Class Enterobacteriaceae, the cause of granu-
loma inguinale.
Chapter 7, Gamma Proteobacteria
Readers should not confuse Genus
Acinetobacter (Gamma Proteobacteria, Chapter 7), with Class Actinobacteria
(Chapter 14).
Chapter 9, Spirochaetae
Rat-bite fever is caused by either Spirillum
minus or Streptobacillus moniliformus (Class Fusobacteria, Chapter 10) [49].
Regardless of the causative organism, or the phylogenetic classes to which the
organisms are assigned, the clinical symptoms are similar, as is the treatment.
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