Game Development Reference
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How it works...
Particle emitters are normally limited in what control you have over the particles. The
ParticleInfluencer class gives us some basic control during particle creation.
Since the birds are flat planes, they look best when viewed straight on. This creates a prob-
lem when we have said that they should always point in the direction they're flying if
they're moving along the y axis.
The influenceParticle method is a method implemented from the ParticleIn-
fluencer interface and it is called upon the creation of every new particle. Since the
DefaultParticleInfluencer instance is already applying a velocity with variation,
we just needed to remove any Y-velocity.
In the ParticleEmitter class, we commented out a line in the update method.
That's the current animation logic that will override our changes every time. A workaround
would be to let the ParticleInfluencer class keep track of the current frame, but
that would make all the birds have the same frame. Another alternative would be to move it
to one of the other ParticleInfluencer classes.
By using the control pattern to update the ParticleInfluencer class, we can offset
some code and keep minimum changes in the ParticleEmitter class.
Unfortunately, the changes we made to the ParticleEmitter class won't be picked up
by Scene Composer, as it uses its own compiled classes. So to see it, we had to start an ap-
plication and load the scene there.
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