Game Development Reference
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How to do it…
The first section will describe how to set up a material we can use. This consists of the fol-
lowing steps:
1. We're going to start by creating a material to supply to the ParticleEmitter
class. Create a new material in the Materials folder by right-clicking and selecting
New… and then Empty Material File .
2. Rename it to something suitable, for example, Birds.j3m .
3. Now, we can open it and are automatically moved to the Material Editor window.
4. Here, we set the Material Definition value to Common/Matdefs/Misc/Un-
shaded.j3md .
5. The only thing we need to change is the ColorMap value, which should be pointed
to our birds texture.
Now, we come to the configuration of the ParticleEmitter class. This section con-
sists of the following steps:
1. Let's begin by creating a new scene and opening it in the SceneExplorer window.
Right-click and select Add Spatial.. and then Particle Emitter . A default smoke
puffing the ParticleEmitter object is created.
2. Now, we can bring up the Properties window and start tweaking it.
3. First of all, we set the material to our newly created material for the birds. Don't
worry if it looks terrible!
4. Looking at the Images X property, we can see that it's set to 15 by default. This
is the amount of horizontal "frames" in the texture. If we look at the birds texture,
we can see that it's only four frames, so let's change that value. The particles are
already looking better.
5. High Life and Low Life define the maximum or minimum lifespan of a
particle. We can assume that the birds should soar across the sky for a while, so
let's change it to 30 and 25 respectively.
6. There are an awful lot of birds now. Setting Num Particles to 50 will make
more sense.
7. Start Size and End Size affect the size of the particles over time. These
should be set to 1 for our birds. They shouldn't inflate.
8. For now, let's increase the radius of the emitter to get a better view. It's a sphere by
default and the last value is the radius. Set it to 30 .
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