Game Development Reference
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4. Calling at this point should display Jaime sliding along
the path.
Once we're happy with it, we can go on and do the camera work as follows:
1. The Cinematic instance will create a CameraNode for us if we call cine-
matic.bindCamera("cam1", cam) , so let's do that for our first camera.
The string is the reference that Cinematic will know the camera by.
2. It will be a camera that pans so we create a MotionPath instance and a Mo-
tionEvent instance for it. Again, we can get the waypoints of the camera path
from the scene. Since the Node we added in SceneComposer by default snaps
to the ground, we need to add between 1.5f and 2.0f to the y axis to get it to a
suitable height.
3. The camera should look at a fixed point as it pans, so we set directionType
of camera's MotionEvent to LookAt and then also set the direction it should
look at with cam1Event.setLookAt where the first Vector3f is the loca-
tion to look at and the second is Vector3f , which is up in the world:
cam1Event = new MotionEvent(camNode, camPath1,
4. With that done, we can test the first camera pan. We do that by calling the follow-
ing code:
cinematic.activateCamera(0, "cam1");
5. The next camera will get its own MotionPath and MotionEvent instances
and can similarly get its own CameraNode . It's perfectly fine to use the same
physical camera for both of the CameraNodes.
Now, we can start doing something about the lack of animation in the scene.
1. The first thing Jaime does in the scene is walk towards the beach. We can create a
new AnimationEvent instance that uses the Walk animation:
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