Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
How it works...
The muzzle flash works pretty much like a normal ParticleEmitter with a couple of excep-
tions. Instead of outputting a constant stream of particles, it will only emit one. This is be-
cause Num Particles is set to 1 , meaning only one particle can be alive at any given time.
Particles Per Sec is 0.0 so it won't continuously emit anything.
The colors are set to be yellowish, turning a bit orange and fading slightly at the end of the
lifetime; the lifetime being very short in this case, only 0.15 seconds.
A muzzle flash is emitted in one direction only. This is why we set Facing Velocity to
true so that the particle will point in the direction of the velocity.
Getting it to appear in the correct position in relation to the weapon can require a bit of
tweaking. Using Local Translation can help us in this.
To use the muzzle flash on a weapon, open the target in Scene Composer and then choose
Link in Scene on the muzzle flash. This way the original file can be modified and the
changes will automatically appear in the places its being used.
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