Game Development Reference
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3. A strategy is needed to collect all the objects that should be affected by server
physics and assign them to PhysicsObjectControl (unless this has been
done in SceneComposer already). Objects that should have server physics should
also have serverControlled set to true and a unique ID, which is known
by both the client and the server. The resulting spatials should be stored in the
physicsObject class map, as follows:
bigBox.addControl(new PhysicsObjectControl(uniqueId));
physicsObjects.put(uniqueId, bigBox);
4. In the update method of ServerPhysicsAppState , we parse through the
values of the physicsObject map. If any of the item in physicsObjects
has PhysicsObjectControl that isServerControlled() and their
isActive() is true , a new PhysicsObjectMessage should be created
as follows:
PhysicsObjectMessage message = new
5. It should have the ID of PhysicsObjectControl as objectId and phys-
icsLocation and physicsRotation of RigidBodyControl ; refer to
the following code:
6. The message is then broadcasted to the clients.
We'll revisit the server code in a bit, but first let's look at what is needed for the client to
receive messages.
1. First of all, the client has to have BulletAppState set up.
2. Next, it needs to have knowledge of the objects to be handled by the server phys-
ics. If the objects are gathered from the scene, a strategy is needed to make sure
the IDs are the same, or they're read in the same order.
3. They should then be stored in the Game class as on the server.
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