Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
5. We create another class called FireActionMessage , which also extends
GameMessage .
6. This has a reference to the player firing and an x and y coordinate.
Message handling on the server is similar to the one on the client. We have a Server-
MessageHandler class implementing the MessageListener interface. This has to
handle receiving messages from the player placing ships, and firing.
1. Inside the messageReceived method, catch all PlaceShipMessages .
Using the supplied gameId , we get the game instance from the server's
getGame method and call the placeShip method. Once this is done, we check
to see whether both players have placed all their ships. If that is the case, it's time
to start the game:
public void messageReceived(HostedConnection conn,
Message m) {
if (m instanceof PlaceShipMessage){
PlaceShipMessage shipMessage = (PlaceShipMessage)
int gameId = shipMessage.getGameId();
Game game = gameServer.getGame(gameId);
game.placeShip( … );
if(game.getPlayerOne().getShips() == 5 &&
game.getPlayerTwo() != null&&
game.getPlayerTwo().getShips() == 5){
2. In the startGame method, the first thing we need to do is send a message to let
the players know the game is now started. We know what clients to send the mes-
sage to by getting the list of connections from the connectionFilters map
as follows:
public Game startGame(int gameId){
Game game = games.get(gameId);
List<HostedConnection> connsForGame =
GameStatusMessage startMessage = new
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