Game Development Reference
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Usually, on a minimap, players will want some kind of indication about their (and others)
whereabouts. Let's implement that in the minimap we just created:
1. First of all, we need to change the minimap element in our screen a bit. We set
childLayout to absolute and add another panel inside it called playerI-
con with a small width and height.
2. Next, we add a new Element field called playerIcon to the
GameScreenController and use findElementByName in the bind
method to set it.
3. Then, we add another method called updatePlayerPosition with two in-
tegers, x and y , as the input.
4. This method should use setConstraintX and setConstraintY on the
playerIcon element to set the position. Those methods take SizeValue as
the input, and we supply the x and y values with the "px" definition.
5. Finally, in the same method, we need to call layoutElements() on the min-
imap element to make it update its child elements.
For other things, such as visible enemies, we can use the builder interface to create them as
and when we need them and then use markForRemoval to remove them when they're
not needed anymore. An example of this process can be seen in the Handling a game mes-
sage queue recipe.
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