Game Development Reference
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if (goalNode.isClosed()) {
// sort list
Collections.sort(openList, waypointComparator);
4. It should begin by adding the startNode to openList .
5. Next, we define a while loop that always picks the first node in openList .
6. Inside this loop, we create another for loop that iterates through all the currently
selected connected nodes, called neighbors.
7. If the neighboring node is not in openList , it should be added there. It should
also set the current node to parentNode of the neighbor node, as shown in
the following code:
8. While doing this, g of the neighbor should be set to current node's G plus the dis-
tance between the two nodes, as shown in the following code:
neighbor.setG(current.getG() + (int)
* multiple));
9. Also, if H has not already been calculated for neighbor , it should, by measur-
ing the distance between neighbor and goalNode . F should be updated by
adding G and H together, as shown in the following code:
if(neighbor.getH() == 0){
* multiple));
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