Game Development Reference
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How to do it...
Let's begin by defining a class called CoverPoint , extending AbstractControl by
performing the following steps:
1. For now we can add a Vector3f called coverDirection . With getters and
setters, that's all that's needed.
2. We create a class called SeekCoverState , extending our AIState class from
the previous recipe.
3. It needs a list of CoverPoints called availableCovers , and a Cover-
Point called targetCover .
4. In the stateEnter method, it should look for a suitable cover point. We can do
this with the following piece of code. It parses the list and takes the first Cover-
Point where the dot product of the direction and coverDirection is positive:
for(CoverPoint cover: availableCovers){
if(aiControl.getTarget() != null){
Vector3f directionToTarget =
if(cover.getCoverDirection().dot(directionToTarget) >
targetCover = cover;
5. In the controlUpdate method, the AI should move towards targetCover if
it has one.
6. Once it gets close enough, targetCover should be set to null, indicating it
should switch to AttackState .
7. When this happens, stateExit should tell the AI to stop moving.
8. After adding the new state to the AI control class, to let it know it has the ability to
seek cover, we also need to modify other states to enable it.
9. Most suitable is PatrolState , where it can switch to SeekCoverState in-
stead of AttackState when it spots a target.
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