Game Development Reference
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How to do it...
Now that we have the basics covered, let's explore a pattern that allows us to move lights
using objects in the scene graph:
1. First, create a new PointLight class called pointLight and set radius to
40 .
2. Then, call rootNode.addLight(pointLight) to add it to the scene graph.
3. Now, create a new CameraNode called camNode and then call
before attaching it to the rootNode .
4. Next, create a new LightControl called lightControl , supplying
pointLight to it to indicate that this is the light to control, as shown in the fol-
lowing code:
LightControl lightControl = new
5. We set controlDir to be LightCon-
trol.ControlDirection.SpatialToLight . This means that the Spatial
camNode will control the light's position:
6. Finally, we add lightControl to camNode .
7. To test this out, we can load Sponza (Models/Sponza/Sponza.j3o) from the jMon-
keyEngine's test-data library and apply the Lighting material to it.
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