Travel Reference
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Mental Voyage #1
Close your eyes and think of three countries that you've either always wanted to
visit or would love to return to. In each case, imagine yourself in a particular place
in each country, whether that place might be the top of the Eiffel Tower, a rooftop
restaurant in Athens with a view of the Parthenon, or a spice market in Morocco.
As you imagine yourself in each country, move through each of your five senses.
Begin with seeing the sights around you. Then notice the way the air feels on your
skin—is it hot or cool, humid or dry? Notice the sounds in the air, either of nature
or of the native speakers. Imagine that you understand the words you hear in the
native language. Is there music? And finally, absorb the foreign smells and tastes,
allowing yourself to become fully immersed in the experience .
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