Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
When I conducted my search, I received eight results, with a name of and
a link to the blog, a brief description, the tags associated with the blog, and
a note about when the blog was last updated (remember, you don't want to
monitor ghost feeds!). You also get a link that lists who is linking to that
blog, and sometimes you'll see a list of tags at the top of the search results
that are related to the one you searched for (in this case, for example, related
tags are for Vintage Toys and Star Wars).
Pulling the RSS feeds from the found blogs involves revisiting the site to
look for the orange RSS logos or one of the personalized RSS logos from My
Yahoo or another site. It takes a little extra work; on the other hand, the tag
system makes searching for blogs/RSS feeds on more general subjects easier
than using a full-text search engine.
Specialty r S S Feed Direc tories
RSS is popular enough at this point that specialized listings of feeds are becoming available. here 
are a couple that might help you in your information trapping: 
Corporate feeds.  nooked  (   provides  corporate  RSS  feeds 
only.  you  can  search  the  feeds  by  keyword  or  browse  for  them  by  category.  there's  a  brief 
description  of  each  feed,  and  some  entities  have  multiple  feeds  available  (press  releases, 
products, and so forth). this resource isn't 100 percent comprehensive, but it is considerable. 
Newspaper feeds. the Media drop ( is a list of U.S. 
newspapers, broken out by state, that have RSS feeds. if you're interested in non-US newspaper 
content, check out the list of UK papers that have RSS feeds, available at
rSS in Searchable Subject indexes
here are many searchable subject indexes of RSS feeds. A searchable sub-
ject index is a directory set up into categories ( Figure 2.13 ).
he categories also have subcategories and sometimes they go into aston-
ishing detail. In addition to being set up into categories, such a directory
is also searchable by keywords (think Yahoo Directory). here are literally
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