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. If you're not careful, you can get hacked. (Well, you can get hacked
on a blog hosting service, too, but at least then you have someone to
yell at.)
Generating content and maintaining a site can be much more time
consuming than just generating content on a free hosting service.
here are two ways to have a blog on your own site: you can use a hosted
service that publishes the blog to your site, or you can install the sotware
on the server yourself.
In a way, the former option is the best of both worlds. he technical work is
at a minimum, while you still have the freedom of your own domain. We'll
look at both options here.
While we'll look at options for blogging software to put on your site, 
we're not going to look at all the intricacies of inding a Web host, 
registering a domain name, learning to use ftP, and all those little bits 
of knowledge that go into maintaining a Web site. for a good book on 
that, check out  Blogging in a Snap , from sams Publishing.
Using a hosted service to publish your blog
on your site
In addition to hosting a blog on its own server, Blogger also allows you
to publish a blog to your own site. To publish a hosted blog to your own
site, however, you'll need to know how to transfer iles to your site via FTP
(File Transfer Protocol). Your Web host's support section should have more
information about that.
To use Blogger to publish a blog to your site, you'll still need to have an account.
Actually the setup works very much like hosting a blog with BlogSpot, except
you'll need to choose the Publishing tab in Settings ( Figure 14.5 ).
here you'll need to specify your FTP server, the path where blog iles
should be kept, and your blog's ilename and URL. Ater that, setting up the
blog proceeds as it did for blogs hosted on Blogger.
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