Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 2.
Syndic8's feed 
information pages  
also include a list of 
recent additions to the 
RSS feed.
If you take the time now to vet the feed, making sure it covers your topic of
interest, you'll save yourself from having to remove the feed from all your
traps later.
NewsIsFree ( could be considered a combination of Syndic8
and Feedster. You can search sources, like Feedster, but you can also browse
sources, like Syndic8. he direct URL for browsing sources is newsisfree.
Take a close look and notice the channels are broken out by category, from
Top News to blogs ( Figure 2.10 ).
Pick a category, and you get a list of RSS feed sources, with the most popular
ones at the top and the rest listed alphabetically. he category listing gives
the name of the feed, category, language, and a brief description. Click on
the name of the feed and you get some additional information. At the top of
the page, you can see the name of the feed, and there is also an orange XML
button on the page—that's right, a link to the RSS feed ( Figure 2.11 ).
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