Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 2.7
Syndic8's home page.
Here you can do a keyword search just like you could using Feedster's
query box.
Let's do the same search on Syndic8 that we did with Feedster—for “action
figures” ( Figure 2.8 ).
I received 17 results, ranging from “toy news” to information on character
igures. he information includes the language of the feeds (not very use-
ful to get an Italian RSS feed if you don't speak Italian!). You can also view
when the feed was created and when it was changed. In general, if a feed is
fairly old (fairly old in Internet terms is a couple of years) and it's changed
in the last few days, you've probably found an active feed.
You can get more information about the feed by clicking on the Feed ID
number (don't click on the feed name, which takes you to the feed's Web
site). here's also information about the last time the feed was “polled”
(checked by Syndic8), its RSS version, its status, whether it contains meta-
data, and so on. A lot of these terms may sound like Greek to you—but rest
assured, by the time you're inished reading this topic, RSS parlance will
come naturally to you!
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