Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
paying taxes, watching less television, reading 100 topics in a year, and so
on. If you're doing any kind of cultural or current event searching, you
should have a ball—and set a few traps—rummaging around in this site.
For academics, this site ( allows users to tag reference
resources and papers. While not as active as, the resources added
here are as a whole from more credible sources and are much more aca-
demically oriented. Medical trappers deinitely need to visit here. It does
require registration. If you ind useful resources at Connotea try the similar
academically slanted service, CiteULike (
Shadows ( is combination of bookmarking application and
community. Tagged resources can be sent to groups, and the resources
there can be commented upon by users. Nice to see tagged resources and
feedback at the same time! Like Connotea, Shadows requires registration.
he general searches which would be just about guaranteed to drive you crazy
in searching the general Web and other large data pools are just right when
searching tag engines. Even if some of these resources don't, at irst glance,
seem like ones that would be appropriate for your topic, at least take a moment
or two and try a couple of searches with them. I think you'll be surprised.
And I think you'll be equally surprised about monitoring conversations.
When I'm trying to keep tabs on certain technical issues for a computer, or
opinions on current events, or experiences with medical problems, conver-
sations will sometimes point me toward issues that don't bubble up in news
search engines until much later. here are some things you have to be cau-
tious about when monitoring conversations, but it can be well worth it.
The Zen of Conversation Trapping
Before the Web was all that, the Internet was all about e-mail. And despite
the fact that the Web gets much attention, e-mail is still in some ways the
killer app of the Internet. Millions of conversations are started, ended, and
continued every second of the day on public mailing lists. hey cover every-
thing from aardvarks to zephyrs. Some of the conversations are desultory
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