Biology Reference
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Modes of mutagenesis in flies (as applied to miRNA loci)
A Chemical
C Imprecise P element excision
P element
￿ Change important nucleotides (very rare)
￿ Mostly unidirectional deletions uncovered
from ~10% of P excisions that are imprecise
B Transposon insertions
P element
D FRT-mediated deletion
￿ Interfere with transcription start (mostly)
￿ Hotspots (e.g., P) often identify promoters
piggyBac, Minos
￿ Other transposons with less insertion bias
￿ Defined deletion leaving behind 1 FRT site
E Gene targeting by homologous recombination
Knockout of miRNA hairpin
insertion of marker gene (e.g., white+ for eye pigment)
F Genomic engineering
Rescue miRNA
modified miRNA
Nuclear marker
Membrane marker
Gal4 driver
Figure 8.1 Making fly miRNA mutants. The major methods for generating mutations
in fly miRNA loci are described. (A) Chemical mutagens, though very useful for
generating mutant alleles of protein-coding genes, have been of limited use in investi-
gating Drosophila miRNA genes. The only published example is a point mutant in
miR-278 that was recovered as a revertant of a gain-of-function phenotype (see
Section 3.1 ). (B) Transposon insertions can interfere with transcription and therefore
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