Database Reference
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All indexes on planet_osm_polygon created
in 1s
Completed planet_osm_polygon
Osm2pgsql took 3s overall
3. Atthispoint,youshouldhavethefollowinggeometrytablesinyourdatabase:
rome=# SELECT f_table_name,
f_geometry_column, coord_dimension, srid,
type FROM geometry_columns;
The output of the preceding command is as shown below:
f_table_name | f_geometry_column |
coord_dimension | srid | type
planet_osm_roads | way
| 2 | 900913 | LINESTRING
planet_osm_point | way
| 2 | 900913 | POINT
planet_osm_polygon | way
| 2 | 900913 | GEOMETRY
planet_osm_line | way
| 2 | 900913 | LINESTRING
(4 rows)
4. Notethatthe osm2pgsql commandimportseverythinginthepublicschema.
is imported in the Mercator Projection ( 900913 ).
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