Database Reference
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Importing shapefile DO.shp to
chp01.hs_uploaded PostGIS table...
Importing shapefile ID.shp to
chp01.hs_uploaded PostGIS table...
Importing shapefile AR.shp to
chp01.hs_uploaded PostGIS table...
11. If you are using Windows, create a batch script named im-
port_shapefiles.bat :
@echo off
for %%I in (out_shapefiles\*.shp)
do (
echo Importing shapefile %%~nxI to
chp01.hs_uploadedPostGIS table...
ogr2ogr -append -update -f
-nlnchp01.hs_uploaded -sql "SELECT
acq_date, acq_time,bright_t31, '%%~nI' AS
iso2, '%date%' AS
as shapefile FROM %%~nI"
12. Run the batchscript:
Importing shapefile AL.shp to
chp01.hs_uploaded PostGIS table...
Importing shapefile AO.shp to
chp01.hs_uploaded PostGIS table...
Importing shapefile AR.shp to
chp01.hs_uploaded PostGIS table...
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