Database Reference
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3. Yournew,emptyschemawillnowbevisibleinthe Tree window.Let'smove
the tl_2012_39035_edges tabletothe Chp11 schema.Simplyselectthe
tableinthe Tree windowandthenclickon Table inthemenubar.Goto Move
to schema | Chp11 , as shownin the following screenshot:
4. Next, let's modify the table name to something more generic. How about
"lines"?Youcanchangethetablenamebyclickingonthetableinthe Tree
window. As soon as the text is highlighted and the cursor flashes, you can
delete the existing name and enter the new name, lines .
Rightnow,our lines table'sdataisusingdegreesastheunitofmeasurementfor
itscurrentprojection( EPSG: 4269 ).Let'saddanewgeometrycolumnusingEPSG:
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