Database Reference
In-Depth Information
ExportyourconnectiondetailsinanXMLfilebyclickingonthe Save but-
ton located below the Connections drop-down menu. Select your con-
nection and export it to a file. You can then load the XML content from
that file rather than entering all of your database parameters over again.
7. Select the table(s) to be added as a layer by simply clicking on the table
blue. To deselect a table, click on it a second time and it will no longer be
highlighted.Selectthe tl_2012_39035_edges tablethatwasdownloaded
at the beginning of the chapter and click on the Add button:
8. Asubsetofthetablecanalsobeaddedasalayer.Thisisaccomplishedby
double-clickingbelowthe Primary Key columnintherowofthetablewewill
be using.
9. The Query Builder window will open, which aids in creating simple SQL
WHERE clause statements. Add the roads by selecting the records where
roadflg = Y .Thiscanbedonebytypingaqueryorusingthebuttonswithin
Query Builder :
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