Database Reference
In-Depth Information
for table "prism": ERROR: function
integer[]) does not exist
array_agg(pixeltype)::text[] FROM
WeinstalledPostGISinthe postgis schema,butthedatabaseservercan't
find the ST_BandMetadata() function. If a function cannot be found, it is
usually an issue with search_path . We will fix this issue in the next step.
8. Check what pg_restore actually does by executing the following com-
pg_restore -f chapter10.sql
--schema=public chapter10.backup
9. Looking at the COPY statement for the prism table, everything looks fine.
But the search_path parameter preceding the table does not include the
postgis schema as follows:
SET search_path = public, pg_catalog;
10. Changethe search_path valuein chapter10.sql toincludethe post-
gis schema by executing the following command:
SET search_path = public, postgis,
11. Run chapter10.sql with psql , as follows; the original chapter-
10.backup file can't be used because the necessary change can't be ap-
plied with pg_restore :
> psql -d new10 -f chapter10.sql
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