Database Reference
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JOIN sfpoly sf
ON ST_Intersects(sf.geom,
ST_Transform(sc.geom, 3310));
2. We get the following performancenumbers for three query runs:
Time: 274.619 ms
Time: 255.102 ms
Time: 295.135 ms
3. Clusterthe caschools tableusingthe caschools_geom_3310_idx index
as follows:
CLUSTER caschools
USING caschools_geom_3310_idx;
4. Rerunthequeryfromthefirststepthreetimesforthefollowingperformance
Time: 242.878 ms
Time: 220.739 ms
Time: 238.378 ms
5. The performance improvements were not significant.
How it works...
Usingthe CLUSTER statementonthe caschools tabledidnotresultinasignificant
queries for the tables in question.
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