Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Using indexes
A database index is very much like the index of a book (such as this one). While a
does not indicate exactly where on the page a word is located, the database index
PostgreSQLhasseveraltypesofindexes,suchas B-Tree , Hash , GIST , SP-GIST ,
and GIN .Alltheseindextypesaredesignedtohelpqueriesfindmatchingrowsfaster.
What makes the indexes different is the underlying algorithms. Generally, to keep
thingssimple,almostallPostgreSQLindexesareofthe B-Tree type.PostGIS(spa-
tial) indexes are of the GIST type.
Geometries, geographies, andrastersarealllarge, complexobjects, andrelating to
or among these objects takes time. Spatial indexes are added to the PostGIS data
boxes of those objects.
Getting ready
For this recipe, psql will be used as follows to time the queries:
> psql -d chapter10
chapter10=# \timing on
We will use the caschools and sfpoly tables loaded in this chapter's first recipe.
How to do it...
the process of optimizing a query with an index:
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