Database Reference
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are part of group1 can now use the INSERT statement to add new spatial
reference systems.
18. Let'sgive user2 ,whichisamemberof group1 ,theabilityusethe UPDATE
and DELETE statements on spatial_ref_sys by executing the following
command; we are not going to give anyone the privilege to use the
TRUNCATE statement on spatial_ref_sys :
GRANT UPDATE, DELETE ON spatial_ref_sys
TO user2;
19. Afterestablishingtheprivileges,itisalwaysgoodpracticetocheckthatthey
oftheusers.Wewillusethe user3 usertocheckbyexecutingthefollowing
> psql -d chapter10 -u user3
20. Now,checkthatwecanruna SELECT statementonthe spatial_ref_sys
table by executingthe following commands:
chapter10=# SELECT count(*) FROM
(1 row)
21. Let'stryinsertinganewrecordin spatial_ref_sys byexecutingthefol-
lowing commands:
chapter10=# INSERT INTO spatial_ref_sys
VALUES (99999, 'test', 99999, '', '');
ERROR: permission denied for relation
22. Excellent! Now update records in spatial_ref_sys by executing the fol-
lowing commands:
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