Database Reference
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GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA postgis TO group1,
We generally do not want to grant the CREATE privilege in the postgis
schema to any user or group. New objects (such as functions, views, and
tables) should not be added to the postgis schema.
10. Ifwewantallusersandgroupstohaveaccesstothe postgis schema,we
cangrantthe USAGE privilegetothe public metagroupbyexecutingthefol-
lowing command:
GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA postgis TO public;
11. Beforecontinuingfurther,weshouldcheckthatourprivilegeshavebeenre-
flected in the database.
chapter10=# \dn+
of schemas
Name | Owner | Access
privileges | Description
postgis | postgres |
| | group1=U/
postgres +|
| | group2=U/
postgres |
public | postgres |
postgres=UC/postgres+| standard public
| | =UC/
postgres |
Grantingthe USAGE privilegetoaschemadoesnotallowthegrantedusers
andgroupstouseanyobjectsintheschema.The USAGE privilegeonlyper-
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