Database Reference
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postgis_cookbook=# SELECT
ST_AsText(the_geom) AS the_geom,
FROM chp01.global_24h
ORDER BY bright_t31 DESC LIMIT 100;
The output of the preceding command is as follows:
the_geom | bright_t31
4991419.20457202) | 360.6
8624445.64118912) | 359.6
4991124.84275376) | 357.4
(100 rows)
5. YouwanttofigureoutinwhichAfricancountriesthesehotspotsarelocated.
For this purpose, you can do a spatial join with the africa_countries
table produced in the previous step:
postgis_cookbook=# SELECT
ST_AsText(f.the_geom) AS the_geom,
f.bright_t31, ac.iso2, ac.country_name
FROM chp01.global_24h as f
JOIN chp01.africa_countries as ac
ON ST_Contains(ac.the_geom,
ST_Transform(f.the_geom, 4326))
ORDER BY f.bright_t31 DESC
LIMIT 100;
The output of the preceding command is as follows:
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